Alexander Knaifel (born 1943) is one of the outstanding modern composers. His creative work has resulted in more than a hundred compositions in all genres of music and won the widest recognition all over the world. The most prominent musicians perform his compositions in the best halls of Europe and America. CDs with his compositions are released and marketed by leading record companies. Many countries broadcast his compositions. Being “a resident of St. Petersburg” by his “ethnic origin”, the Honoured Art Worker of Russia, and the holder of the Order of Friendship, Alexander Knaifel was the first musician of Russia to win the DAAD international award (Germany, 1993).
The publishing house “Compozitor • Saint-Petersburg” has started publishing Alexander Knaifel’s Complete Works. Preparing the new edition, Alexander .Knaifel revised all his compositions. Please pay attention to the fact that most of the titles have been specified.
You can make an order for the works published, on the site of the publishing house (see operating references in the list of published works).
Compositions for Choir
Mixed Choir
5011. AN ANGEL AND FIVE POEMS BY MIKHAIL LERMONTOV (cappella) (1964). 14' 15''
5014. AN ANTHEM TO FOOLISHNESS, in choir and fugue (1964). 2'
5060. ИОНУС-POSTLUDIA (1992). A version by A. Shteinlukht. 10'
5071. O HEAVENLY KING, prayer to the Holy Spirit (1994). Choir and two obligato instruments. 6'
5074. O COMFORTER, prayer to the Holy Spirit (1995). 5'
5079. WITH THE WHITE ON THE WHITE, seasons of Sergey Vakulenko (cappella) (1997-98). 25'
5083. THE TABERNACLE (1998/2006). 2'
5095. CHALICE in psalms of choir of choirs (2004). 12'
Female or Children’s Choir
5058. SVETE TIKHIY (O GLADSOME LIGHT), the Song of the Most Holy Theotokos (for Tatiana Melentieva) (1991). 28'
5093. THE CHERUBIC HYMN (2004). 0' 50''
Several Choirs
5037. STATUS NASCENDI (moving, sounding) (1973-75). Choir, soloists, pantomime group. 7-8'
5052. GOD, ode by Gavriil Derzhavin and friends’ children (1985). Mixed and children’s choirs. 60'
Choir/Choirs With Instruments
5040. AINANA, 17 variations on the name (a pyramid of voices, percussions and a tape-recorder) (1978). 45-50'
5062. CHAPTER EIGHT, canticun canticorum of church, choirs and cello (1992-93). Four choirs (children’s, mixed, male, female), cello, to be performed in church. 96'
5089. A moment of choir soloists «OF A FISHERMAN AND A LITTLE FISH» (2002). Violin, cello, mixed choir. 3'
Compositions for Voice
Solo and Ensemble
5030. MONODIA (1968). Female voice. 14'
5085. A DAY (a little branch of a voice and a carillon) (1999). Singer (female). 3'
5086. SMALL BLUE FEATHERS (2001). Singer (female). 1' 01'
5103. FOR TATIANKA AND ANNUSHKA (light breeze) (2007). Two female voices. 1' 30''
With Piano
5007. A TOAST BY ROBERT BURNS (1963). A singer with a glass of wine. 1' 40''
5016. Lyric epigrams IN MEMORY OF SAMUIL MARSHAK (1964/2002). Male voice. 9'
5034. BABY SONGS IN SLEEP (1972). Female (or male) voice. 2' + 1'
5046. A SILLY HORSE 15 tales of a singer (female) and a pianist (male) (quasi sinfonia) (1981). 70'
5072. O HEAVENLY KING, prayer to the Holy Spirit (1994). Version. Female or male voice. 5'
5102. O MASTER OF MY DAYS, a prayer and a poem (2007). Male voice. 12'
With Instruments
5025. SALVE! (1967). Female voice, piccolo clarinet, trumpet, bassoon, harp, piano. 1'
5055. THROUGH THE RAINBOW OF INVOLUNTARY TEARS, trio of a singer (female) and a cellist (male) (1987–88). Singer (female), cello, piano, phonogram, two pairs of bows, three candles. 100'
5064. BUTTERFLY of Joseph Brodsky (1993). Female voice, obligato instrument, phonogram. 53'
5078. BLISS (from) the poem by Alexander Pushkin (1997/2008). Female voice, piano, three groups of кроталей. 4' 30''
5100. THE LORD’S PRAYER (settimino) (2006). Singer (female or male), instrumental ensemble. 8'
5104. PIENO DOLCISSIMO (2007). Singer (female), piano (or phonogram). 2' 30''
Compositions for Cello/Cellos
5024. LAMENTO of cellist (1967/1987). 18
5077. PSALM 51 (cello’s voice) (1995). 23'
5084. A SNOWFLAKE ON A SPIDERTHREAD (in cello’s spaces) (1998). 21'
2447. COMFORTER, prayer to the Holy Spirit (1995). Score. (1995). A version by A. Shteinlukht. Choir of cellos. 5'
5080. LUX AETERNA (two psalm-singers) (1997). Two cellos. 25'
Compositions for Piano
5001. SONATA ON A FAIRY-TALE (and piano) (1961/2004). 8' 30''
5006. MARCHING AND DANCING TWO-VOICE TEXTURES (1963). 1' 40'' + 1' 10
5009. A CLASSICAL SUITE (1963/2007). 18'
5012. PIANO: MUSIQUE MILITAIRE (1964/2009). 5-6'
5013. A PLAIN-AIR-FUGUE. A FUGUE-INTERIOR (1964/2004). 4' 30 + 1'
5019. PASSACAGLIA (1965). A version by O. Malov. 10'
5026. TERTIUM NON DATUR (1967/2006). 1' 07''
5028. SKETCHES IN PETROGRAD (1967/1978). A version by G. Korchmar. 1' 14'' + 2' 10'' + 1' 04''
5029. A LITTLE WHITE ONE AND A LITTLE BLACK ONE (for children) (1968). 0' 30'' + 0' 25''
5038. TWO TIMES TWO (1975/2005). 0' 40''
5056. NOTTURNO (1988). 5'
5059. ИОНУС-POSTLUDIA (1992). 10'
5067. A MAD TEA-PARTY, royal version (2007). 7'
5068. A FAWN (1962). 1' 10''
5069. A FAWN AGAIN (1999). 2' 25''
5070. JOKER (2000). 1' 30''
5073. O HEAVENLY KING, prayer to the Holy Spirit (1994). A version. 5'
5091. CONFESSION by piano with a poem (2003/2009). 6' 30''
5096. OLD PHOTOS, upright piano-pieces for grand piano (2004). 15'
5005. NON STOP of Young Pioneers’ songs (dabbler piano-score) (1963). Duration ad libitum
5???. NATIVITY. For piano
With Additional Instruments
5057. SHRAMY MARSHA (SCARS OF MARCHING) (of piano and radio-recorder) (1988). 24'
5081. THIS CHILD (1997). Piano, little wind bells. 7-8'
5090. LUKOMORIYE of a magic piano (a fairy-tale of breathings) (2002/2009). Piano, phonogram, two little crystal wands. 3'
5092. BIRTH (2003). Piano, Christmas-tree glass ball, little wind bells. 3'
5094. GEE! A short tale between pianos (2004). Two pianos, phonogram, little bells. 4' 15''
Compositions for Percussion Instruments
5035. A PRIMA VISTA (among percussions) (1972). Five groups of percussions (four performers). Duration ad libitum
5044. SOLARIS, a fragment of canticum aeternum (35 Javanese gongs long) (1980). One performer.. 13'
5050. ARIA (1993). Carillon. 5'
5061. CANTUS from silence to darkness (eco-duo) (1993). Percussions (one performer), piano, electronic sounds processing, light equipment. 30'
Compositions for Instrumental Ensembles
5003. DIADA (pentahedron) (1962). Flute, viola, piano, percussions (two performers). 7'
5010. OSTINATI of violin and cello (1964). 7'
5022. DISARMAMENT (striptease, tavern) (1966). Score. Violin, saxophone, tuba, banjo, accordion, drum kit. 5'
5027. PETROGRAD SPARROWS, phantasmagoria of orchestra of twelve (1967). Instrumental ensemble (12-13 performers), a boy singer, phonogram. 50'
5039. VAMPAMPET (1975). Score. Triangle + small bells, celesta + piano, marimbaphone. 2'
5045. DA (YES), a hymn of soloists (1980). Violin, viola, cello, double bass, piccolo, oboe, piccolo clarinet + soprano saxophone, piccolo trumpet, three кротали + recorder, celesta + harpsichord, phonogram. 15'
5065. IN AIR CLEAR AND UNSEEN (with Tyutchev, piano and quartet) (1994). Piano, string quartet. 24'
5076. O SPIRIT OF TRUTH, prayer to the Holy Spirit (2005). Violin + viola, piano. 6-7'
5088. PETIA I FOLK (PETIA I DOLG) [PETE AND FOLK (PETE AND DUTY)] entrée with double bass (2001). Double bass (four performers). 1' 25'
5097. THE LITTLE BEADS FOR NIUA (terzetto) (2004). Piano + litle bell, violin + little bell, cello + little bell
5098. balagan OF THE POPE AND OF HIS WORKMAN BALDA (2004). Score. Singer (female), singer (male), cellist, trombonist, pianist (harpsichord + celesta), children’s instruments, phonogram,. 6' 45''
5105. E. F. and three visiting cards of the poet (2008). Score. Violin, viola, cello. 14'
Compositions for Jazz, Variety and Rock Bands
5041. “RAFFERTY” JAZZ CHORUS (1980). Five saxophones, rhythm section. 10'
5048. BARBARIAN ROCK (1982). Score. Rock group, percussions, male choir. 8'
5051. CHURIKI (1984). Score. Variety band. 3'
Compositions for Orchestra
5006. TURNO A TURNO (шаги на снегу) (1964). Score. Orchestra. 5'
5008. A FLOWER to shadow theatre of Emil’ Mey (1963). Score. Chamber orchestra. 7' 30''
5017. THOSE SEEKING THE CITY TO COME (two fragments), orchestra grossa (1964-65). Grand orchestra of bowed instruments, grand organ, grand percussion ensemble. 20'
5036. APPELLI, the score of Tatiana Voronina’s pieces (1972). Chamber orchestra. 10'
5042. VERA (FAITH), variations and dedication stanza of strings (1980). Orchestra of bowed instruments, two harps, harpsichord. 25'
5082. THIS CHILD (1997). Score. The composer’s version. Orchestra of bowed instruments, piano. 8'
5033. (JEANNE), passione of 56 instrumentalists (1970-78). 100'. Supplement: two CDs with the record of the version for piano, percussions and choir, played by the composer
Compositions for Solo Instruments
5004. BURLESCA, meeting of trombone and string orchestra (1963). 3'
5015. IN VIA of double bass and viola with stringless (1964). Double bass, viola, wind and percussion instruments’ band. 9'
5043. A CALL of trumpets, piano, orchestra (1980). 3' 05''
5054. INSANITY, postpostscriptum (1987). Score. Balalaika, guitar, chamber orchestra. 10'
5087. MORNING PRAYERS (of violin and orchestra) (2001). 10'
5101. BRIDGE (polyclavier and three orchestras), dances of ascents (2006-07). 52'
Compositions for Soloists and/or Choir with Orchestra
5002. A SLING of orchestra-choir (1962). Orchestra, mixed choir. 2'
5018. THE CANTERVILLE GHOST, romantic scenes of soloists and orchestra soloists (1965-66). Male and female voices, organ, orchestra of soloists. 45'
5023. Dithyramb 150 000 000 (1966). Score. Mixed choir, orchestra. 12'
5032. ARGUMENTUM DE JURE (a letter by Vladimir Lenin) using 16 choirs (1969). Male choir, orchestra. 10'
5047. ACCIDENTAL child of spaces (1982). Score. Orchestra of bowing instruments, organ, mixed choir, a little girl soloist, video projection. 90'
5049. EPITAPHS by orchestra (1984). Orchestra, male choir. 20'
5053. A KHOLOP’S WINGS (A SERF’S WINGS) (fresco) (1986). Score. Mixed choir, orchestra. 13'
5063. MARANATHA, the catechetical address of St. John Chrysostom (orchestras, ensembles, choirs, soloists) (1993). 52'
5099. TZAREVNA (A TZAR’S DAUGHTER) prelude of choirs and soloists (2005). Mixed choir, soloists-instrumentalists, orchestra. 30'
Compositions for a Theatre of Singing, Dancing and Playing
5020. THE GHOST OF CANTERVILLE CASTLE, 10 opera actions (1965-66). Score. 90'
5021. THE GHOST OF CANTERVILLE CASTLE, 10 opera actions (1965-66). Piano score. 90'
5031. MEDEA (THE SORCERESS OF COLCHIS), a choreographic tragedy (1968). 40'
5066. ALICE IN WONDERLAND, 24 pictures with an interval after Lewis Carroll’s fairy-tales for a theatre of playing, singing and dancing ones (1994-2002/2004). Score. 150'
5107. FFPh (Fund of Filmophonies) (1978-2004). CDs
5000. TO FALL INTO THE SKY. Chronicle of the present. The list of all the composer’s works; information on each of them; extracts from the diaries; talks and interviews; the composer’s comments; photos. Compiled by E. Blazhkova